Privacy Policy

Privacy & Compliancy Statement

Outlook Partnerships are proud to be committed to high standards when ensuring that we’re compliant with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

We have reviewed all of our data protection and compliance processes and are very happy to commit to our clients, employees, partners and anybody else’s data we may hold, the following …

1) We place a high priority on protecting and managing all data which we hold including data which we have collected and that which we receive from our clients for data processing purposes.

2) Our company are committed to complying with applicable GDPR regulations, including as a data processor, whilst working closely with our clients and partners to meet all promises made to deliver our service.

3) We commit to being open with individuals about how we use their personal information, keep such information to a minimum and delete accordingly when it is no longer needed.

4) We have effective safeguards in place to ensure personal information and any data which we are holding, and processing is always kept securely.

5) We commit to providing on-going training to our employees on our high standards of being GDPR compliant and would treat misconduct as a very serious matter.

6) We have opted for third party cloud-based solutions to store our data, all with restricted access to client data by our employees.

7) We will abide by the ‘positive opt-in’ process, in-line with good practice, when gaining and communicating with personal data.

8) We will regularly check that we are living up to our GDPR promises and will report on how we’re doing.

9) We have evaluated all of our ‘on site premises’ security and put the necessary steps in place to further secure our premises and equipment.

10) We commit to never sharing our data with third-parties for marketing purposes.

Whilst we continue to develop our data protection and compliance processes in conjunction with GDPR, this statement may be added to accordingly.